Mr. Kuo Wei Wu
Mr. Kuo Wei Wu is a CEO of NIIEPA based in Taipei (NIIEPA focus on the consultancy in Information Security Management System (ISMS), Personal Data Information Management System (PDIMS), and Internet Policy Research). He is also a member of the board of directors of ICANN based in Los Angels, CA. He was a member of the board of directors of PIR (Public Interest Registry) from Jan. 2008 til March 2010. He was also a member of executive council of APNIC from March 1999 til March 2010; a member of board of directors of TWNIC from July 2002 til Oct. 2011. He was a vice president of Acer, Inc. from July 2000 til Nov. 2003; a senior vice president of Yam Digital Inc. from April 1998 til June 2000; and a deputy director of NCHC (National Center for High Performance Computing) from June 1990 til March 1998; a senior programmer/analyst of Cray Research, Inc. from July 1984 til May 1990. He received his MS in Computer Science from Columbia University in 1982; MS in Mathematical Science from University of Cincinnati and had a teaching position in Kentucky Wesleyan College from 1982 til 1984. He also organized several High Performance Computing and Internet Conferences, such as HPC-Asia, Inet’97, Inet’98, The fourth Asia OSS Symposium in Asian Cities.
Prof. Peng Hwa Ang
Peng Hwa Ang is Director of the Singapore Internet Research Centre and a Professor at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological University. A lawyer by training, he teaches media law and policy in both the undergraduate and graduate programmes of WKWSCI. He stepped down as head of the School in September 2008 and was on sabbatical as Dean of the Mudra Institute of Communication Research, helping to start India’s first communication research centre. In his previous sabbatical, he was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar and fellow at the Harvard Information Infrastructure Project, Kennedy School of Government in 2000 and a visiting fellow in 2001 at the Programme in Comparative Media Law, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford University. He has published and presented his research on internet law and policy. In 2004, he was appointed to the Working Group on Internet Governance and later in 2006 he was elected inaugural chair of the Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet).
Mr. Izumi Aizu
Izumi Aizu is Professor and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for InfoSocinomics, Kumon Center, Tama University in Tokyo and Deputy Director at the Institute for HyperNetwork Society in Oita, Japan. Izumi promoted the use of PC based network in the ‘1980s, and the Internet in the ’90s in Japan and Asia In 1997, he moved to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and founded Asia Network Research, an independent research unit dedicated to promoting networking in Asia-Pacific region, focusing on societal aspects of the Internet, including global governance and digital divide issues. Between 1998 and 2000, he also worked as Secretary General of the Asia & Pacific Internet Association (APIA), a trade association representing Internet business community of the region. He was engaged in the creation process of ICANN (Internet Cooperation for Assigned Names and Numbers) and organized global Internet Y2K campaign. He was member of AtLarge Advisory Committee of ICANN until 2008. In April 2000, he moved back to Tokyo where he continues the research work on promoting the Internet in Asia. He represented Japanese NPO under the government’s requests to GLOCOM, for the Digital Opportunity Task Force, or DOT Force, initiated by the G8 to address digital divide issues. In 2001, he was asked by the government to organize supporting Asian NGOs and Civil society member to participate the preparatory process of WSIS (World Summit on the Information Society). In April 2002, he became Deputy Director of Institute for HyperNetwork Society, and in August 2004 he co-found Internet Governance Task Force (IGTF) of Japan to engage in the international debate on Internet Governance at the WSIS Working Group on Internet Governance set by the United Nations. He worked as the Secretary of IGTF from 2004 to 2006. In 2008, he found Satellite Broadband Promotion Council and became its Secretary General. In 2009, he co-founded Japan Internet Domain Name Council to promote Internationalize Country Code Top Level Domain, dot Nippon and he serves as a member of the Steering Committee of this Council. His advocacy works include promoting users’ voices and civil society perspectives at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and Internet Governance Forum (IGF). He served on various governmental committees including Network Neutrality Study Group and currently member of Internet Basic Issues Committee and IPv6 Advanced Use Study Group at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) of Japan.
Mr. Paul Wilson
Paul Wilson has twenty years’ involvement with the Internet, including over ten years’ experience as the Director General of APNIC. As part of this current role, he represents the activities and interests of the Asia Pacific Internet community in local and global forums related to the development and management of the Internet.
Previously the Chief Executive Officer of Pegasus Networks, the first private ISP established in Australia, Paul also acted as a consultant to the United Nations and other international agencies. As a primary consultant on Internet projects, including the PAN Program with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Paul helped to introduce Internet services for the first time in several developing economies.
Paul is a highly respected member of the global Internet community and participates in the following organizations: APIA, APNG, ISIF, NRO, ISOC and dotAsia.
Mr. Edmon Chung
Edmon Chung is serving as the CEO for DotAsia Organisation and heads the secretariat for the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF), and the secretariat for the Asian Film Awards Academy. Edmon serves also on the Executive Committee of Internet Society Hong Kong, which serves as the secretariat for the Asia Pacific Regional At-Large Organisation (APRALO) and participates extensively on Internet governance issues.
Since 2002, Edmon played a leadership role in the region-wide .Asia initiative, bringing together an open membership of 29 official country-code top-level domain authorities and regional Internet bodies. DotAsia is a not-for-profit organization with a mandate to promote Internet development and adoption in Asia. Since its launch in 2008, DotAsia has contributed significantly to a variety of community projects in Asia, including for example:, Go.Asia, ISIF.Asia, NetMission.Asia, MaD.Asia and others.
Edmon is an inventor of patents underlying technologies for internationalized domain names (IDN) and email addresses on the Internet. Edmon has served on many global IDN related committees, including technical and policy groups, that made it possible for the introduction of multilingual domain names and email addresses on the Internet. Edmon founded Neteka Inc. in partnership with the University of Toronto Innovations Foundation in 1999, and went on to win the Most Innovative Award in the Chinese Canadian Entrepreneurship Award in 2001. In 2000, Edmon was selected by The Globe and Mail as one of the Young Canadian Leaders. Between 2007 and 2010, Edmon served as an elected member on the ICANN GNSO Council. Between 2010 and 2012, Edmon served as an elected member on the ICANN At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) from the Asia Pacific Region. Between 2006 and 2011, Edmon served as an elected member of the Elections Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the Information Technology Subsector.
Edmon has a Bachelor of Applied Science and Master of Engineering from the University of Toronto.
Ms. Cheryl Langdon-Orr
I was an Individual Member (prior to the formation of our Chapter) of ISOC and am a Director of ISOC-AU (see since being elected in 2001 I have served as Hon. Treasurer from 2003-09, Hon. Company Secretary 2010 -12 and as a non Executive Director since then. see
I am a Member of auDA, serving on its Board of Directors now for my fifth term of office in the Demand Class (User Interests) stakeholder category since October 2012 See; previously I have worked on several auDA Policy Advisory Panels between 2000 and 2004, and serve as the Chair of the Domain Name Industry Code of Practice Committee, and Chair the auDA Board Governance Committee, and as part of the auDA Board Finance Committee.
In 2008 and 2009 in addition to my work within APRALO and ALAC and specifically within the arena of communications consumer advocacy in Australia I was instrumental in the formation of a National peak body to act as a co-ordinated voice of communications consumers Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) which is now an At-Large Structure (ALS) in the Asia Pacific Region of the ICANN At-Large Community
I am a member of Women On Boards ( ; and several other similaely focussed global groups, both an individual and corporate member in ACCAN ; and an active member of the NSW Chapter of Females in Information Technology and Telecommunications (FITT), now formally renamed Women in ICT Australia Incorporated (WICTA) under a new constitution.
Dr. Hong Xue
Dr. Prof. Hong Xue is Institute for Internet Policy & Law (IIPL) Founding Director and is a world-renown intellectual property expert and international veteran on the Internet Governance. Prof. Xue is an elected Top Ten Nationally Distinguished Young Jurists by the China Law Society. Prof. Xue is the fellow of Information Society Project of Yale Law School. She works in many governmental and non-governmental organizations. She is the only Asian Scholar in the Executive Committee of the International Association for Promotion of the Advanced Teaching and Research of Intellectual Property (ATRIP), the Editorial Board of World Intellectual Property Journal, the Expert Advisory Board of Diplo Foundation. She is in UNESCAP and UNECE’s United Nations Network of Experts for Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific (UNNExT). She had worked on the ICANN ALAC, Nomination Committee and Fellowship Committee. She is an arbitrator at CIETAC, UDRP neutral at WIPO and ADNDRC and founder of CNDRP. She lectures for intellectual property officers at World Intellectual Property Academy. She is the co-author of “Internet Governance: Creating Opportunity for All”, the official publication of IGF 2010.
Mr. Shahzad Ahmad
Shahzad is the Country Director of Bytes for All, Pakistan. Byte for All is a human rights organization with a focus on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for development, democracy and social justice. It experiments and organizes debate on the relevance of ICTs for sustainable development and strengthening human rights movements in the country. Shahzad’s focus of work includes ICT policy advocacy, internet rights, privacy and freedom of expression online. At the forefront of Internet Rights movement in Pakistan, Shahzad is a development communications expert, a Diplo Fellow, an executive board member of the Association for Progressive Communications, policy advisory board member of .PK ccTLD and a member of the International Advisory Board of Privacy International, UK. He regularly contributes to various publications and research studies around ICTs for Development, freedom of expression and gender related issues. Shahzad maintains a strong engagement with the broader civil society networks at national, regional and global levels and believes in inclusive participation and openness.
Ms. Gunela Astbrink
Gunela Astbrink was the inaugural Australian IGF ambassador (2013) and is a Director of ISOC Australia and the Principal of GSA InfoComm. Gunela has participated in national, regional and global IGFs. Gunela is a member of ICANN’s APRALO and the At-Large Accessibility Taskforce. She is a member of the APrIGF MSG. Gunela has been active in disability policy and research for 25 years and comes from a library and information management background. She has led projects at the Telematics and Disability Centre of Telia (Swedish Telecom) and the European Union-funded project, COST 219 (Telecommunications: Access for Disabled and Elderly People). She participated in the European Commission project, CARDIAC developing a roadmap for accessible ICT and assistive technology research directions. For over 10 years, Gunela was National Coordinator of TEDICORE (Telecommunications and Disability Consumer Representation) to improve accessibility to communications technology for people with disability. Gunela Astbrink is a member of the Advisory Board of the International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet as well as a Fellow of the RSA, 21st enlightenment. She holds an adjunct senior research position in the Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems at Griffith University and teaches Information Policy and Governance to postgraduate students in Griffith University’s Department of International Business and Asian Studies. In 2013, Gunela was awarded the Christopher Newell Prize for the best journal article in the Telecommunications Journal of Australia.
Mr. Yu-Chuang Kuek
Kuek Yu-Chuang is ICANN’s vice president and managing director for its Asia Pacific hub. He is concurrently part of ICANN’s global stakeholder engagement team for the Asia Region. In these roles, Kuek oversees ICANN’s expansion and operations in the region.
Before joining ICANN in August 2013, Kuek served as a Senior Director for Yahoo! Inc., where he led the company’s public policy efforts in the Asia Pacific and Latin American regions.
Kuek also has extensive government experience having held roles as diplomat, trade negotiator and policy-maker. Prior to joining Yahoo!, Kuek engaged in intellectual property policy development for Singapore’s Ministry of Law. In addition, Kuek worked for Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, serving on the China Desk and in Singapore’s Washington, D.C. Embassy.
A Singapore native, Kuek studied International Politics at China’s Peking University where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts. He later obtained a Master of Arts from Harvard University in the U.S.
Mr. Adam Peake
Based in Tokyo, Adam Peake works on telecommunications, Internet and broadband policy, and Internet governance. Active in policy-making activities for the deployment and development of the Internet since the mid-1990s, he currently contributes to ICANN and the IGF. Member of the UN Secretary-General’s Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) 2006 – 2008, member of the NETmundial Executive Multistakeholder Committee 2014
Mr. Nir Kshetri
Nir Kshetri is Professor at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro and a research fellow at Kobe University. He is the author of four books including Global Entrepreneurship: Environment and Strategy (Routledge, 2014), Cybercrime and Cybersecurity in the Global South (Palgrave 2013), and The Global Cyber-crime Industry (Springer-Verlag 2010). Nir has published seventy five journal articles and two-dozen book chapters and has given lectures or presented research papers (about 150) at national/international conferences in more than forty countries. Nir participated as lead discussant at the Peer Review meeting of the UNCTAD’s Information Economy Report 2013.
Mr. Leonid Todorov
Leonid Todorov earned his M.A. in Linguistics from Moscow State Pedagogical and did postgraduate studies in management and business leadership in Copenhagen and Taiwan. Since the onsetof the Russian reforms, he served for more than a decade as Chief of Staff to the late PM YegorGaidar. In 2008, he joined the СoordinationСenter for the .RU top level domain, and serves as Deputy Director for External Relations in Russia’s Internet registry.
Leonid’s focus is on Internet governance, new gTLDs, international cooperation, and cyber security. He has authored and coauthored a number of publications on these issues, and has presented at various national and international events. He also is on the Steering group for the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG), the CCNSO ICANN’s Strategic and Operations Plan Working Group, and on the ISOC Advisory Council.
Mr. Pablo Hinojosa
Pablo is Director, Strategic Engagement at APNIC. He is responsible of representing the organisation in a senior diplomatic capacity, cultivating and managing relationships with governments, key intergovernmental organisations and member communities. Previous to joining APNIC, he was responsible for managing the Latin American portfolio at ICANN. Previous to joining ICANN, he was Director for Multilateral Affairs in the Mexican Federal Telecommunications Commission. As a government official, he was the Representative from Mexico at ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee, where he held the positions of Vice- Chair and Convener of the Working Group on ccTLDs. Pablo was part of the Mexican delegation attending WSIS and also Advisor to the Chair of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Telecommunications and Information Working Group. He has experience in international fora such as the OECD, APEC, ITU, WTO, among others.
Ms. Lailani L. Alcantara
Lailani L. Alcantara is an Associate Professor at the College of International Management and Graduate School of Management in Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University. Her research interests include innovation, entrepreneurship, and social network. As a Japanese government Mombusho scholar, she received her PhD in Management from the University of Tsukuba. She has published articles in Journal of International Management, Best Proceedings Academy of Management, Management Research Review, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Journal of Transnational Management, and Asian Business & Management. Her research works have been funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan.
Mr. Hideyuki Fujii
Hideyuki Fujii is a researcher at InfoCom Research, Japan. He is affiliated with the cybersecurity group at InfoCom Research.
Ms. Sunanda Sangwan
Sunanda Sangwan is a full Professor at Shantou Business School (SBS) in China. Prior to joining SBS she worked for about ten years at the Nanyang Business School (NTU). Her earlier academic positions were at the Department of Informatics at the Copenhagen Business School in Denmark, the Erasmus University in the Netherlands, and Aston University in the UK. She has also served as Professor and Vice Dean International Programs at the Jindal Global Business School, India. She has held visiting positions at the Trier University in Germany, the Imperial College in the UK and several other business schools. Dr. Sangwan has served as consultant to several international organizations and contributed to the UN sponsored programmes and activities. She was also a research fellow at the United Nations University, UNU-INTECH in Maastricht.
Mr. Arun Mehta
Prof. Arun Mehta, President of Bapsi, is a software writer, a teacher, a disability activist and a human rights activist. His introduction to technology for the disabled was from Professor Stephen Hawking, for whom he designed sophisticated communication eLocutor, which can be operated by a single button. For three years he taught blind students how to write software. Along with other students he designed ‘skid’ software, for children with mental challenges, or multiple disabilities to help them communicate. Skid has been developed using Ruby on Rails, in a way to make it easy to develop it further to meet the growing communication and educational needs of children, to reduce teacher workload and to serve as a platform for summer training of computer-savvy students. His experience in human rights began with 15 years volunteering with Amnesty International, including two as president of its Indian section. He has been involved with many national issues where technology met policy and politics.More recently, he has campaigned vigorously for the rights of persons with mental challenges. He has made academic contributions in many areas. Prof Mehta has a PhD – Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany, as a fellow of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, a Masters in Computer Sciences from the State University of New York at Stony Brook and a B. Tech degree from IIT Delhi in 1975. Bapsi, the NGO of which he is President, was awarded the ISIF Asia Grant 2013 for its innovative project for the deaf-blind and the 4th NCPEDP (National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (India)-MphasiS Universal Design Awards 2013 Previously he was given the Manthan Award in 2008, for developing skid software, the Vibrations series of Mobile Apps for the Deaf-blind was a Finalist at the Vodafone Mobiles for Good Award 2012. The idea of “Marketing mobile phones to those for whom mobiles don’t work today” was a winner with special mention at the mBillionth Award South Asia, year 2012. SMS for those both deaf and blind, a short film on the mobile application PocketSMS won Jury Special Award at the We Care Film Festival (Disability Film Festival) in 2012. The app was the first in the vibrations series of mobile applications to enable the deaf and blind communicate via Android smartphones.
Mr. Sunil Abraham
Sunil is the Executive Director of Centre for Internet and Society, a Bangalore-based nonprofit organization. He is also a social entrepreneur and Free Software advocate. He founded Mahiti in 1998 which aims to reduce the cost and complexity of Information and Communication Technology for the Voluntary Sector by using Free Software. Today, Mahiti employs more than 50 engineers and Sunil continues to serve on the board as a board member. Sunil was elected an Ashoka fellow in 1999 to ‘explore the democratic potential of the Internet’ and was granted a Sarai FLOSS fellowship in 2003. Between June 2004 and June 2007, he managed the International Open Source Network, a project of the United Nations Development Programme’s Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme serving 42 countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Between September 2007 and June 2008, he also managed ENRAP, an electronic network of International Fund for Agricultural Development projects in the Asia-Pacific facilitated and co-funded by International Development Research Centre, Canada.
As a social entrepreneur and activist working in the field of ICT4D for the last 10 years, he has extensive experience working with many small and large organisations at the local, regional, national and international levels. He ontributed to the launch and maintenance of many thematic and regional networks and his activism has always focused on the limitations of the present Intellectual Property Rights [IPR] regime and emerging alternatives such as Free/Open Source Software [FOSS], Open Standards, Open Access and Piracy.
Mr. Dipendra Manocha
Mr. Dipendra Manocha is working as the Developing countries coordinator and Lead of Training and Tech Support with the DAISY Consortium. He is managing trustee of the Saksham Trust. He worked as Asst. Project Manager for the DAISY For All Project. He is president of the DAISY Forum of India. He is also the President National Association for the Blind, Delhi state Branch. He represents International Organisations in the executive committee of the World Blind Union. He worked as Director IT & Services at the National Association for the Blind, New Delhi, India from 1993 till July 2008. He also worked as consultant to the Delhi University for establishing the resource centre for persons with disability. After completion of post graduation and research degree from Delhi University he left the Ph.D. in between to work for the mission of providing information and content in accessible format to persons with print disability. During the past decade of work he has managed or coordinated several technological development or implementation projects such as:
- Establishment of IT training facility for persons with blindness.
- Development of Hindi Language Braille transcription software
- Establishment of DAISY Resource Centre in India under the Daisy for All Project to introduce DAISY Standards in South Asian countries.
- Setting up of DAISY Focal Points in 4 South Asian Countries
- Establishment of Digital library for print disabled.
- Content Creation Project for University books in Braille, E-Text and Talking Books format being supported by Ministry of Information and communication Technology, Government of India.
- Development of Screen Reading Software for Indian Languages.
- Establishment of equipment distribution centre for persons with blindness
- Audio Description of films
- Providing IT based work place solutions for persons with blindness or low vision.
Mr. Satish Babu
Satish Babu is the Director of the International Centre for Free and Open Source Software (ICFOSS), Trivandrum, India, and a past President of the Computer Society of India (CSI), an ICANN ALS. Founded in 1965, CSI has over 120,000 members organized through 72 Chapters and over 500 student branches. CSI has members from multiple stakeholders, including professionals, academics, researchers, students, business and the Government. Satish has been an early user of the Internet, starting from 1993. In 1994, he launched a free email service as a part of the UN project IndiaLink. He has been a part of different Internet communities ever since. Satish is also a member of the Member and Geographical Activities Board of IEEE Computer Society. He has been a programmer, architect, trainer and consultant for over 25 years, and has worked in different domains such as Development, Disaster Management, and ICT for the differently-abled. He provided technological support to communities impacted by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, and continues to be involved in their long-term resilience building. He is a member of the 2014 Nominating Committee of ICANN, and was elected in June 2014 as a Vice Chair of ICANN’s APRALO. More information on him is available at
Ms. May-Ann Lim
May-Ann is the Executive Director of the Asia Cloud Computing Association, and has over a decade of experience in development, tech policy and communications across the Asia Pacific, working with organisations on thought leadership, government relations and stakeholder outreach efforts. Her career has spanned a number of regional and global institutions, including the World Bank, the Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA), and the Singapore Internet Project. Through the ACCA, she has worked in multiple markets lobbying for the acceleration of ICT and cloud industries, and other Internet adoption policies. She is also active in the Internet Society (ISOC). Based in Singapore, May-Ann also lectures on Internet and ICT Policy in the National University of Singapore (NUS).
Mr. Imran Ahmed Shah
Imran Ahmed Shah belongs to Pakistan, have BBA & MBA (MIS) degrees. Serving Private Sector as IT functional Head and bears 23+ years’ experience in ICT. He is Voluntarily contributing spare-time for Global Policies Development since many years. Founded “Urdu Internet Society (” to unite Linguistic Internet User Community to form the new Linguistic Internet Layers with excellence. Since 2009 he is active member of Civil Society IG Caucus ( and participating in the discussions about the global Internet Governance issues. Representing UISoc, he is participating in discussion forums and meetings of IGF since 2009. Following the WSIS Tunis agenda, he founded “Internet Governance Forum of Pakistan (” in 2010. IGFPAK has organized IGF Remote Hub at International Islamic University, Islamabad and conducted IGFPAK-2011 Conference. IGFPAK is also facilitating the rejuvenation exercise of ISOC Pakistan Chapters formation by providing a Common Hub for ISOC PAK Activities.
Beside Civil Society interest, being a technologist, he has been leading some professional User Groups like “Rational User Group, Tivoli User Group and WebSphere User Group of Pakistan”. He also participated in UN-Global Alliance Forum for ICT Development. He is also member & coordinator of Expert Panel of ICT4D of National Technology Foresight Committee. Since 2006 Imran is also involved with ICANN Policy Development Process and has read his papers for gTLDs conflict resolution at public forum of ICANN36@Seoul Meeting. He is also promoting Information Security Professional and highlighting their support for workforce improvements.
He is very much concerned with the Localized Internet, IDN TLDs and new gTLDs that may increase digitally divided segments significantly. He is advocating for the Excellence in IDN base Internet Layers to avoid the intensification digitally divided communities. He is also encouraging to promote the idea of Internet-4-Kids and Contents Development to deliver the best knowledge of the World for Innocent Minds. Successfully organized Workshop at APrIGF@Seoul in 2013 on Governance for the Internet of Kids, Teenagers and Youngsters and working for a Global consortium to establish Civilized and Secure Internet for Next Generation.
Mr. Rajesh Chharia
Mr. Rajesh Chharia has a bachelor’s degree in Commerce from Delhi University and is a post graduate in Commerce Honors. Beginning his career in his family business of Manufacturing Packaging Materials in 1974 in the capacity of CEO and helped the company in moving from strength to strength.
In 1999 Mr. Rajesh started M/s CJ Online Pvt. Ltd., the first Operational Private ISP on 100% digital platform in Ghaziabad (NCR Town of Delhi) and its adjoining areas.
Mr. Rajesh Chharia is continuing as elected President of the Internet Service Providers Association of India since September 2006, helping the association and the industry grow for ISP’s. Prior to this he has also served as the Vice President for the same organization in 2002.
He has also played a major role in creating National Internet Exchange of India, presently he is one of the Director of NIXI. He is also a Joint Working Group member of National Security Advisor, member of Broadband Committee created by DoT and in various other committees.
From the platform of ISPAI and NIXI he raised a lot of development issues for the Internet Industry and got the same solved resulting growth of Industry.
He has, today, more than 15 years of experience in telecommuni-cations and information technology, and has acquired working for different organizations in different countries. Further he is looking keenly for development of Broad Band and telephony in rural parts of India, which is 65% of the total population of India, to bridge digital divide between rural and urban India. This way not only infrastructure will be created in rural part but also local young people will get working opportunity over there.
Mr. Babu Ram Aryal
Mr. Aryal is a practicing lawyer with focus on Telecommunication, Cyber Crime and Media Laws in Nepal. He is legal advisor to Internet Service Provider’s Association of Nepal, an umbrella organization of ISPs in Nepal, leading ISPs of Nepal and major software and hardware companies having business in Nepal. He is part of majority cyber crime cases as a lawyer filed in Nepal and suceesfully defended them.
As a law and policy consultant Mr Aryal has led various ICT and Media Law related law and policy-making initiatives like “Drafting Unified Information Technology Bill-2013” (2013), “Reviewing Information Technology Laws in Nepal” (2013), “Analysis of Nepali Legal System from E-Governance perspective and Drafting E Governance Bill, 2011” and “Information, Education and Communication strategy for Local Government and Community Development Project, 2009”. He was Lead Researcher in the research “Use of Criminal Laws to Curb Freedom of Expression Online in Nepal” (2012)”, and advisor to the research “Mapping Position of Internet and Freedom of Expression in Nepal with reference to UN Special Rapporteur’s Report to UN General Assembly” (2012).
Mr Aryal has participated various Internet Governance related international forums like Open Government Partnership, Indonesia [2014], Conference on Freedom of Expression for Civil Liberties, Thailand [2013], Workshop on Criminalization of Speech and the Defense of Journalists, National Law University, India [2013], “Cyber security, surveillance and hate speech online – key issues that need to be addressed in governance in order to protect Internet freedom of expression” Dhaka, Bangladesh [2012], Internet Governance Forum, Baku, Azerbaijan [2012], Stockholm Internet Forum on Internet Freedom for Global Development [2012] Stockholm, Sweden.
Ms. Chinmayi Arun
Chinmayi Arun is the Research Director of the Centre for Communication Governance at National Law University, Delhi. She is also an Assistant Professor of Law at the University and teaches specialized courses on internet governance, privacy and media policy. She is a member of the Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group formed by the Government of India for the India Internet Governance Forum, and one of the academic experts for the Internet & Jurisdiction Project’s Observatory. She works with media regulation and internet governance, particularly in the context of the rights to free speech and privacy.
Chinmayi has studied at the NALSAR University of Law, and London School of Economics and Political Science. At LSE, she read regulatory theory and new media regulation, and was awarded the Bernard Levin Award for Student Journalism. She has worked with Ernst & Young and AZB & Partners.
Mr. Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy is Proprietor of NameShop, India, which has applied for a new gTLD from ICANN. Prior to this he served as the Director of Whitefield Cottons Pvt. Ltd. He has 24 years of cross-functional business experience in the areas of overall business Management with exposure to various functional areas. He is a Strategic planner with a very broad perspective and vivid conceptual traits, comfortable with technology, especially on a macro scale. First generation entrepreneur from a business family, now well oriented to Internet and Internet Policy. Now divides his time between building up his venture, Turiya, and his voluntary pursuits related to Internet Governance as President of the Internet Society India Chennai Chapter ( ) and ICANN At-Large and the Internet Governance Forum.
Ms. Naomi Fontanos
Naomi is a Filipina transgender rights activist. She is co-founder of the GANDA Filipinas, a transactivist organization fighting for the dignity and equality of the transgender community in the Philippines.
Ms. Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro
is the Japan Pacific ICT Centre Manager at the University of the South Pacific. She is also the President of the South Computer Society (SPaCS) and an Executive Council member of the South East Asia Computer Federation (SEARCC). She is a Director of Pasifika Nexus and is based in Suva, Fiji.
Mr. Benjamin Mathews
Benjamin Mathews has a background in Telecommunications and Business Development. He specializes in the areas of communications and strategic business development. Mr. Mathews has worked in various roles in Telecommunications serving and providing innovative solutions to diverse customers in New Zealand, Pacific Islands, and the wider Asia Pacific region. He currently manages Alcatel-Lucent’s Repair and Advanced Exchange Services for both New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.
He also works separately as a Business Consultancy for KBC-Elevate specializing in the areas of Communications and Strategic Business Development. He has primarily worked with professionals and small business owners throughout Oceania providing advice and solutions focused support. Mr. Mathews has a Master’s of Business Administration from Victoria University. He is currently on the MBA Alumni Steering Committee providing strategic direction to its development and future. He conducted qualitative research on the behavioral factors that contribute to long-term sustainable success in an environmentally conscious Pacific Island. He is a Director of Pasifika Nexus and is based in Wellington, New Zealand.
Mr. Chaitanya Dhareshwar
Chaitanya Dhareshwar is a Technologist and Entrepreneur. He is currently based in Mumbai, India. Mr Dhareshwar has worked with various Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) without in-house tech support and helped them create Information Technology Departments and built them to a point where they are self-sustaining.
In his current capacity he heads technology and contact centre operations for Doctor On Call – an India based e-Healthcare / e-Wellness service. Doctor On Call serves society at large by providing quick and easy access to medicare via the simplest means possible. As the Head of Technology, Mr Dhareshwar’s focus is to ensure the complete end-to-end functionality of Doctor On Call remains in continuous operation, 24/7, 365 days a year and grows & evolves with the times.
Ms. Noelle de Guzman
Noelle de Guzman is the Regional Programmes Coordinator for Asia Pacific at the Internet Society (ISOC). Prior to joining ISOC, she was as a development analyst at global consulting firm Devex, and also undertook research at the London School of Economics, where she focused on media policy. Currently, she works with ISOC’s Asia-Pacific Bureau to ensure that its regional initiatives are efficiently delivered and continuously monitored for impact.
Mr. Ram Mohan
Ram Mohan is Executive Vice President, & Chief Technology Officer of Afilias Limited. Ram oversees key strategic, management and technology choices for the company in support of the generic top-level domains (s) .INFO and .ORG, sponsored domains .mobi, .asia, and .aero and country code domains including .IN (India) and .ME (Montenegro). m has led the strategic growth of the company in registry services and security as well as new product sectors such as RFID/Auto-ID, global and Internationalized s (). Before joining Afilias in September 2001, m was at Infonautics Corp., a pioneering online database and content distribution company. He held various leadership positions at Infonautics, and led the company to market leadership through product innovation. m is the founder of the award-winning CompanySleuth product, and created the Sleuth line of business at Infonautics. He helped architect Electric Library, North America’s most used online reference database in schools and libraries, and, the first free encyclopedia on the Internet. Prior to joining Infonautics, m worked with First Data Corporation, Unisys Corporation and KPMG Peat Marwick in a variety of leadership, engineering and technology positions. Ram is also founder of the technology behind TurnTide, an anti-spam company acquired by Symantec. Ram is active in the community. He is the author (with others) of the Redemption Grace Period () and the IDN implementation guidelines, now global industry standards. He led the IDN Working Group, is a co-founder (along with the UN and the Public Interest ) of the Arabic Script IDN Working Group. Ram is a founding member of the Security and Stability Advisory Committee (), a Board advisory committee comprised of Internet pioneers and technical experts including operators of Internet root servers, registrars, and registries. Ram’s educational background reflects his belief that technology is best used for business advantage and market leadership. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Mangalore, an MBA in Entrepreneurial Management from Bharathidasan University, and left most of the way through his second Master’s in Computer Science at Philadelphia’s Drexel University in order to take Infonautics public. An inventor, he is the author of several patents. Ram was previously named one of the Philadelphia Business Journal’s 40 under 40. He is a founding member of the Philadelphia Area Chapter and serves on the advisory boards of several Philadelphia-area startup companies, and is actively involved in cancer-related nonprofits.
Ram Mohan has been appointed to serve as the non-voting liaison from the Security & Stability Advisory Committee starting in 2009 and continuing through 2012.

Dr. Govind
Dr. Govind is CEO of National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI).
As CEO of NIXI, he is responsible for setting up Internet exchange points in India and establishment of the .IN Registry in the country. Recently he spearheaded the setting up and launch of the NationalInternet Registry for the allocation of IP (IPv4 and IPv6) address space in the country.
Mr. Udaya Narayana Singh
Born in 1951, Udaya Narayana Singh is a poet-linguist-essayist and translation theoretician. He currently holds a Professorial Chair at Rabindra Bhavana, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan where he was also the first Pro-Vice-Chancellor (2010-12). He was the Director of India’s ptremier institution in Linguistics – Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore (2000-09). Singh taught Linguistics, Translation Studies, Comparative Literature and English at the Universities of Hyderabad, Delhi, Surat and Baroda. His publications include three collections of poems and six books of essays in Bangla, and four anthologies of poems plus eleven plays in Maithili – besides translating six and editing 16 other books with over 180 research papers.
Singh has lectured in Australia, Bangladesh, Caribbean Islands, China, France, Germany, Italy, Iceland, Mauritius, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Thailand & USA, and had been a Poet-invitee at the Frankfurt Book Fair (2006) and London Book Fair (2009). He led the Indian cultural delegation to China in 2007, and was a member of Indian delegation to UNESCO (Paris), France and USA during 2010-12.
Mr. Mahesh Kulkarni
Mr Mahesh D Kulkarni is Associate Director and Head, GIST Research Labs. With a Bachelors and Masters in in Electronics from Pune University he joined as a Development Engineer, in the area of ELCB/ MCB in a private sector where he worked extensively on Supermini and Telecommunication systems, before joining CDAC. With over two and a half decades in the area of computing and porting Indian languages on the digital platform, Mr Kulkarni’s area of expertise covers E-Governance, Standards, NLP to name a few. He has been associated with Internationalised Domain Names from the very inception and has played a leading role in ensuring that Indian scripts and languages find their rightful place on this platform to promote growth as well as commerce in these languages/scripts.
With a wide range of interests, Mahesh Kulkarni has to his credit a large number of patents, papers and publications in areas as diverse as Localisation, Embedded technology, statistical computing to name a few. Mahesh Kulkarni is member of advisory panels and boards of both National and International bodies. A fine speaker, Mr Kulkarni is much sought after to address meetings and committees in digital technology
Mr. Abhijit Dutta
Mr. Abhijit Dutta has been in software engineering in diverse capacities for about 18 years. Starting out as a coder, he moved to software (and hardware) sales, software design, business development, and into Program Management. As the Globalization Specialist for IBM, he was a participant in the formulation of interoperable standards for Indian Languages and contributed to the basic capability in Indian Language technologies that makes it possible for Indian Languages to be seamless in information technologies.
He continues to contribute to various open source technologies and is a consultant to various groups all over the world. Presently he is a partner in a software business in Gurgaon, India. His total professional experience is of 18 years.
Mr. Akshat Joshi
Akshat Joshi has been working on projects related to computational linguistics on Digital medium, with Centre for Development of Advanced Computing. Starting with the code-converters for pre-Unicode encodings for Indian languages, he has been involved in many Standardization related activities including a project concerning keyboard overlay designing for 22 official languages of India. He is also working on a Govt. of India project on Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs) for 22 Official Indian Languages. Since 2011 he is part of ICANN’s “IDN Variant TLD Program”, in its various stages.

Dr. Anja Kovacs
Dr. Anja Kovacs currently directs the Internet Democracy Project in Delhi, India which engages in research and advocacy on the promises and challenges of the Internet for democracy and social justice in India and beyond. Anja’s work focuses especially on questions regarding the freedom of expression and the architecture of Internet governance. She is currently a member of the Investment Committee of Digital Defenders Partnership; of the interim Steering Committee of Best Bits; and of the Steering Committee of 1net. She has also worked as an international consultant on Internet issues, including for the UNDP Asia Pacific and the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, Mr. Frank La Rue. She has also been a Fellow at the Centre for Internet and Society in Bangalore, India.
Prior to focusing her work on the information society, Anja researched and consulted on a wide range of development-related issues. She has lectured at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK and Ambedkar University, Delhi, India, and has conducted extensive fieldwork throughout South Asia. She obtained her PhD in Development Studies from the University of East Anglia in the UK and has been based in India since 2001.
Mr. Aroop Menon
Aroop Menon is a Senior Product Marketing Specialist at SolarWinds. For more than five years, Aroop has been involved with many aspects of IT Product Marketing and Management including IT security and remote IT management. Before joining SolarWinds, Aroop worked for McAfee on its Sales Engineering and Product Marketing teams. He received his MBA, specializing in marketing and institutional frameworks in the cyber-security and cloud industries, from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He has an Undergraduate Degree in Economics from the University of Madras and he has also received an Executive Management Certificate in Marketing from the Indian Institute of Management.
Dr. Kamlesh Bajaj
Dr. Kamlesh Bajaj is the CEO of the Data Security Council of India (DSCI). He was the founding Director of the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) at the Ministry of Communications and IT and served as Deputy Director General, National Informatics Centre (NIC). He was Deputy Controller of Certifying Authorities; and was the Global Head, Information Risk Management Practice, GCP, TCS.
At DSCI, Dr. Bajaj guided the development of best practices Frameworks for data security and privacy protection. He serves on various Government Committees on cyber security and ICT, and contributes to the activities of global bodies like OECD and EWI. He has published and lectured extensively on the IT Act 2000, cyber security and cyber crimes, e-commerce, emerging technologies, digital signatures, in national and international journals and conferences. Dr. Bajaj holds a Ph.D. (Physics) from McMaster University.
Ms. Mishi Choudhary
Mishi Choudhary is the founding director of SFLC India. She started working with SFLC in New York following the completion of her fellowship during which she earned her LLM from Columbia Law School and was a Stone Scholar. In addition to her LLM, she has an LLB and a bachelors degree in political science from the University of Delhi, India.
Mr. Subramanian Chandrasekhar
Chandrasekhar has a unique combination of his wide and varied experience in both Information Technology and Government. Of his total experience of 24 plus years, he has spent 15 years in the Government of India as a bureaucrat, which also included a stint in Singapore as a diplomat. After resigning from the Government he worked for IT bigwigs like TCS, IBM and HCL. He was also the Principal Consultant to the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, responsible for the rollout of Government of India’s Rs 1000 crores Mission Mode Passport Seva Project.
He has had a 360 degree view of IT in Government as well as exposure to the entire sales and project life cycles. He has dealt with IT as a procurer in Govt of India, as an OEM (IBM), as a System Integrator (TCS) and as a Vertical Delivery Head (HCL). Currently he is Group Director Government Affairs with Microsoft India and his role involves interfacing with external and internal stakeholders driving Government policy related initiatives for Microsoft.
A man of varied talents, Sekhar speaks over 7 languages, has an Engineering Degree from Birla Institute of Technology, a PG Diploma in Cyber Law, a PG Diploma in Operations Management and an interpreter degree in Chinese. He has travelled widely to over 50 countries. His interests include reading non-fiction, wildlife, ethnology, cyber security and strategic affairs.
Mr. Arthit Suriyawongkul
Arthit is the Coordinator for the Thai Netizen Network, a group of advocates working for internet freedom, human rights and civil liberty. Founded in 2008, the group has activities that include monitoring of the internet situation, organizing public forums on media policy, digital culture and net freedom; and, capacity building for internet users, citizen journalists and human rights defenders.
Ms. Nica Dumlao
Nica is the Internet Rights Coordinator of the Foundation for Media Alternatives. She is also one of the lead conveners of the Philippine Internet Freedom Alliance, a nationwide broad coalition of organizations and individuals who are fighting for the protection and promotion of rights and freedoms in cyberspace.
Mr. Rajnesh Singh
Rajnesh Singh is Regional Director of the Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau at the Internet Society (ISOC) where he oversees projects, initiatives and activities across ISOC’s functional and programmatic areas in the Asia and Pacific region, including Public Policy, Capacity Building and Internet Standards and Technology.
Prior to joining ISOC, Rajnesh played founding and leading roles in several technology and private equity investment firms, and still maintains varied business interests. In his professional capacity, Rajnesh has consulted on communications & power infrastructure, project management and business strategy for medium to large companies and organisations in the Asia-Pacific region. He has also held advisory roles across multiple sectors ranging from governmental organisations to sporting organisations and the private sector.
Rajnesh has worked extensively with the Asia-Pacific Internet community, and has held several leadership roles, including Founding Chair of ICANN’s Asia Pacific Regional At-Large Organisation (APRALO) and Chair of the Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society. He has worked extensively on ICT policy, training and capacity building in the region, including delivering programmes for UN agencies.
Mr. Vikram Tiwathia
Vikram is an Associate Director General at the COAI, India’s leading industry association on Telecom and Broadband. In his current assignment, he works extensively on telecom and Broadband Policy and regulatory aspects. He has close interactions with Senior Government staff and private sector executives to further augment mobile and broadband service business. He interacts extensively with the ICT industry leadership and senior officials at DoT, DeitY & TRAI and other government offices for regulatory and policy matters. Is an active member of CII, FICCI, Assocham, ITU APT Telecom & Broadband Committees. He was the Chief Regulatory Relations, with TATA Teleservices Limited from 2008-10. Earlier he was with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) as their Chief Information Officer (CIO) for three years (2005 – 2008). Prior to that, he served in the communications arm (Signals) of the Indian Army (for a tenure of 24 years), from where he took voluntary retirement in 2005 in the rank of Colonel. Vikram did his Masters in Technology from the IIT Kharagpur in Electronics and Communication Engineering with a specialization in Microwave Engineering.
Mr. Nikhil Pahwa
Nikhil Pahwa is the Founder, Editor and Publisher of MediaNama, the leading publication for news and analysis on the evolving digital ecosystem in India.
MediaNama’s readership includes digital industry decision makers, policy wonks, entrepreneurs and investors with an eye on Telecom, mobile Internet, Classifieds, Commerce, Digital Media, Payments, Communications, Entertainment and Gaming domains within India.
Nikhil has been involved with online communities since 1999, and since 2006, has provided insight on business developments related to online and mobile content, commerce, distribution and access businesses, as well as the impact that laws, regulation and policy-making have had on the freedom of expression, privacy and business in India.
Prior to founding MediaNama in 2008, Nikhil was the Editor of ContentSutra, a part of the ContentNext network of digital media focused publications, which was bought by the Guardian Media Group, and is now owned by the GigaOm Network.
In December 2012, Nikhil was named one of 37 “Indians of Tomorrow” under 35 by the India Today magazine.
Mr. Barry Brailey
Barry Brailey spent a number of years in the British Army where he specialised in investigations, IT Forensics, IT Security and the protection of critical assets. In 2005 he left the Army and headed to New Zealand, initially working in the private sector as a security consultant and then as a security specialist for a global engineering firm. Following this, Barry spent a few years working for the New Zealand Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB), filling the role of Operations Lead for the Centre for Critical Infrastructure Protection (CCIP) and later the Head of Consultancy Services at National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). Barry joined the .nz Domain Name Commission as the Manager, Security Policy in October 2012. Barry is also the current Chair of the New Zealand Internet Task Force (NZITF).
Mr. Srinivas Chendi
Srinivas Chendi is APNIC’s Senior Internet Development Advisor and Liaison Officer for the South Asia region. He is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the levels of community participation among Members and stakeholders in that sub-region. He manages this role while establishing partnerships with external organizations to encourage IPv6 deployment and help the community derive the maximum benefit from developments at APNIC.
Srinivas has worked in a variety of roles at APNIC and elsewhere, including Senior Community Engagement Specialist, External Relations Manager, Policy Development Manager, Online Services Manager, Internet Resource Analyst, Technical Support Supervisor, and Technical Support Officer.
Srinivas represents APNIC at an economy and regional level and is constantly on the lookout for opportunities to collaborate with the Asia Pacific community.
Mr. Jitender Kumar
Jitender Kumar is the Technical Account Manager in the New Delhi (India) offices of Afilias, the world’s leading provider of Internet infrastructure services that connect people to their data. Kumar focuses on the day-to-day delivery of domain registry services and acts as the liaison between Afilias and its customers.
Kumar holds post-graduate diplomas in Business Management from the Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad and a post-graduate diploma in Software Engineering from NIIT.
Afilias’ reliable, secure, scalable, and globally available technology supports a wide range of applications including Internet domain registry services, Managed DNS and mobile Web services.
Mr. Don Hollander
Don Hollander was APTLD’s inaugural General Manager in 2006 and returned to lead the organisation in 2013. Mr Hollander has had extensive involvement in the Internet domain name industry, Internet Governance and ICT issues for many years. He was an early councillor of InternetNZ (who run the .nz ccTLD) and was the General Manager for Computer Services Ltd in Samoa (who is responsible for the .ws ccTLD). Mr Hollander was a key advocate and driver for the creation of internationalised ccTLDs which play a critical role in Internet adoption in this region. In addition, Mr Hollander has more recently organised a Regional Internet Governance Forum for the Pacific and has been involved ICT for development throughout the Pacific and New Zealand, through his time with GKP (Global Knowledge Partners), as Chair of the 2020 Communications Trust (a New Zealand based not for profit organisation) and as co-chair of PIP (The Pacific Internet Partners).
APTLD is the regional organisation of ccTLDs (Country Code Top Level Domains) in the Asia-Pacific region. APTLD’s mandate extends from the Middle-East to the Pacific. APTLD is a not-for-profit organisation registered in Malaysia.
Mr. Champika Wijayatunga
Champika Wijayatunga is the ICANN’s Regional Security, Stability and Resiliency (SSR) Engagement Manager for the Asia Pacific. He supports the ICANN’s external SSR program and represents ICANN in security, technical operations, law enforcement and capacity building forums in the AP region.
Prior to ICANN, Champika was the Training Unit Manager at APNIC, the Regional Internet Registry for the Asia Pacific. He also served as a Team Leader, a Senior Training Specialist and also APNIC’s Liaison Officer for the South Asia region. Champika started his career with IBM Corporation as a Systems Engineer and worked in IT industry, academia, research, and training environments in the Asia Pacific.
Mr. Parminder Jeet Singh
Parminder Jeet Singh is an Executive Director of IT for Change, an organisation working at the intersection of information society and development. IT for Change is globally and nationally recognised as a key resource centre on information society and development issues, and has a Special Consultative Status with United Nations’ Economic and Social Council.
Parminder has been an advisor to the Chair of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group of the UN Internet Governance Forum and also to the United Nations’ Global Alliance on ICTs and Development. He was a member of the Working Group set by the UN to suggest improvements to the Internet Governance Forum. He was also a member of the UN Working Group on ‘enhanced cooperation on Internet policy issues’. He has been a Coordinator of Internet Governance Caucus, the premier global civil society group involved with Internet Governance. Recently, he helped establish the Just Net Coalition, and has been active in global Internet governance work as a part of that coalition.
At the national level, Parminder was recently a member of Task Force set up by government of India on implementation of proactive disclosures provisions of the Right to Information Act. He has recently authored a report on ‘Community Knowledge Centers’ for the Karnataka Knowledge Commission. Parminder is also a member of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group of the India Internet Governance Forum.
Prof. Kyung-Sin Park
Korea University Law School Professor PARK Kyung-Sin, a.k.a. K.S. Park, one of the founders of Open Net Korea, has written and been active in internet, free speech, privacy, defamation, copyright, international business contracting, etc. He has given expert testimonies in high-profile free speech cases including the Minerva case, the internet real name verification case, the military’s subversive book blacklisting case, the newspaper consumers’ boycott case, and the Park Jung-Geun Retweet case. As a result, the “false news” crime and the internet real name verification laws were struck down as unconstitutional, Park Jung-Geun and Minerva acquitted, the soldiers challenging book blacklisting reinstated, the newspaper boycotters acquitted partially as to the “secondary boycotting” charge (2010-2013). Since 2006, he himself has served the executive director of the PSPD Law Center, a non-profit entity that has organized several impact litigations in the areas of free speech, privacy, and copyright. There, the Law Center won the world’s first damage lawsuit against a copyright holder for “bad faith” takedown (2009) and the first damage lawsuit against a portal for warrantless disclosure of the user identity data to the police (2012).
Ms. Jyoti Panday
Jyoti Panday is Programme Officer at the Centre for Internet and Society working on Internet governance and on issues related to the role and responsibility of intermediaries in protecting user rights and freedom of expression. She has experience in strategy, campaign management and research on issues and processes related to the development agenda, sustainability and democracy. She has completed her MSc in Public Policy from Queen Mary, University of London.
Mr. Faisal Farooqui
Faisal Farooqui is a highly recognized entrepreneur who is among the trailblazers of his generation. Faisal has founded and managed two successful Internet and technology companies, India’s largest consumer review and social media portal and Zarca Interactive, a Virginia based enterprise survey and feedback company.
Mr. Raman Jit Singh Chima
Raman Jit Singh Chima serves as Policy Counsel and Government Affairs Manager for Google, based in New Delhi. He currently helps lead Google’spublic policy and government affairs work in India. He is a graduate of the Bachelors in Arts and Law (Honours) programme of the National Law School of India University, Bangalore. While at the National Law School, he was Chief Editor of the Indian Journal of Law and Technology. He has studied Internet regulation as an independent research fellow with the Sarai programme of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies and contributed to Freedom House’s 2009 Freedom on the Internet report.
Mr. Apar Gupta
Apar Gupta is a practicing lawyer in Delhi working as a Partner at the law firm of Advani & Co. His practice areas include, commercial litigation and arbitration with a focus on technology and media. Apar as a retained counsel, represents an internet industry organisation in government affairs, including consultations on draft laws and policies which effect the sector. These issues include legal risks of intermediaries, media freedom and consumer rights. He has completed his masters in law from Columbia Law School, New York and has written columns for the Business Standard, Indian Express and the Pioneer on legal issues. Apar also is a visiting faculty at National Law University, Delhi.
Mr. Subhash Dhakal
Mr. Subhash Dhakal is IT Director of Department of Information Technology, Government of Nepal. He holds Masters Degree in Engineering. He has experience of working with various government agencies including Department of Transport Management, National Planning Commission, Election Commission, Ministry of Science and Technology. As part of these organizations, he was involved in major government initiatives in ICT Sector including Voter List processing for first CA Election, Automation of Vehicle Registration System and Driving License Registration System, MIS for National Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Designing and building Government Network, presently connecting all government ministries, Establishment IT Emergency Response Team, Establishment of Government Cloud. Mr. Dhakal is also faculty of Kantipur Engineering College.
Ms. Ujwala Uppaluri
Ujwala Uppaluri is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Communication Governance. Broadly, she is interested in the effect of law and policy on the freedom of speech, the freedom of assembly and association, privacy and due process rights, and in the evolution of existing rights language and frameworks to accommodate new media. She is a graduate of the National University of Juridical Sciences, where she served as an Editor of the NUJS Law Review.
Ms. Yuliya Morenets
Yuliya leads a non-for-profit organization TaC/Together against Cybercrime Int., Which works on empowerment of users in the field of safe and responsible Internet, child Online protection and the Internet Governance issues.
Yuliya is an expert of a number of international organizations on cybercrime and cyber security and author or co-author of a number of regulatory texts indifferent countries. She advises governments and private sector entities on cyber security strategies.
Yuliya co initiated such projects as: Youth IGF, Working group on better participation of vulnerable groups in the Information Society or the Empowerment of vulnerable children online. Yuliya is a MAG member of IGF.
She is an Associate professor at Strasbourg University and Co-coordinator of the Research team at the Faculty of Social Sciences working on the Use of ICTs by Youth from difficult areas. Yuliya is a former Deputy Head of the Unit on Cybercrime at the Council of Europe.
She is Graduate from the Institute of Political Sciences of Paris and also holds a Master Degree in Europe an Affairs and the L.L.M. on Internet Law.
Mr. Arvind Gupta
Arvind has over 20 years of industry experience, having worked in diverse sectors in variety of leadership, policy and entrepreneurial profiles. He has worked in large global consulting, software firms, banks and start-ups, both in India and Silicon Valley. His forte is technology & business
strategy, e-governance and technology entrepreneurship.He is an active Member of NASSCOM, TiE and Founding Member of ISPiRT (Indian Software Products Industry Round table).
Dr. Gupta is also a frequent speaker at the CxO forums, CMO Academies and is guest faculty at International Management schools. He is currently the National Technology Head for India’s largest political party, the BJP and advises on policies at the national level and the states where the party is in government. Dr. Arvind Gupta emphasizes/promotes use of Technology within Party for modernization, handling Digital assests, Providing High Speed Connectivity along with Video Conferencing Units, development of Apps. Use of Social media in reaching out to Young Voters. Specific Programs on Volunteering and Donations.
Mr. Prasanth Sugathan
Prasanth Sugathan is a Counsel at SFLC.IN. He has a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Kerala, MBA from Pondicherry University and LLB from Mahatma Gandhi University. He has co-edited two books in the areas of Administrative law and Property Law. His areas of practice include Constitutional and Administrative Law, Information Technology Law and Intellectual Property Law. He is a member of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group constituted for the India Internet Governance Forum.
Dr. Nagariuna G
Dr. Nagarjuna G is one of the founding members of the FSF India and is currently serving as its Chairperson. He is a faculty at the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education,TIFR in Mumbai. He is an author and maintainer of the GNU project GNOWSYS, and leads the lab in Mumbai. He holds M.Sc.(Biology), M.A. (Philosophy) from University of Delhi and Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in the area of Philosophy of Science.
Prof. Rahul De
Prof. Rahul De is the Hewlett-Packard Chair Professor in ICT for Sustainable Economic Development at IIM Bangalore. He has a B.Tech. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, an MBA from the University of Delhi, and a Ph.D. from the Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, U.S.A
Mr. Hongbin Chu
Hongbin Zhu has been the Senior International Strategist at CNNIC since 2010, where he has represented CNNIC and organized several thematic workshops in Internet governance related events, including ICANN, IGF, WSIS and ITU events. He has also represented CNNIC in ICANN’s supporting organizations(SO) and Advisory committees (ACs) and made his contributions to the progress of ICANN’s new gTLD program.
Hongbin is also responsible for new gTLD application and Internet governance related research project in CNNIC. His research work focuses on the topics of muti-stakeholderism, capacity building, ICT4D, enhanced cooperation and Internet multilingualism. He has also served as an adviser of domain name policies for stakeholders in China.
His education includes a Master of Science in Media and Communication from the London School of Economics and Political Science, as well as a BA in Communication and English from Beijing Normal University.
Mr. Mohammad Abdul Haque
Mohammad Abdul Haque is the founding Secretary General of Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum (BIGF) in conjunction with United Nation Internet Governance Forum created by UN World Summit on the Information Society (UN WSIS) Action plan from 2006. He attended the 4th IGF in Sharm EL Sheikh, Egypt in 2009, 5th IGF in Vilnius, Lithuania in 2010, 6th IGF in Nairobi, Kenya 2011, 3rd APrIGF in Tokyo, Japan on 2012 and the NETmundial meeting on April 23rd and 24th, 2014, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Mohammed Abdul Haque has been working as an ICT Journalist for a long time Since 1992. He has been involved with all the major ICT movements and activities of the country. Currently, he is working as the Assistant Editor of The monthly Computer Jagat, the first ICT magazine in Bangladesh. He also worked as Research Assistant, Accident Research Institute, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka. He also served as the President of Bangladesh ICT Journalist Forum (BIJF). He holds a Master’s degree in Sociology & Anthropology from Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology, Dhaka.
Mr. Shengkai Wang
I am the Internet International Researcher of China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC). In CNNIC, I am mainly engaged in the research on the problems of Internet development, policy, governance, security and so on.
I have published more than 5 books about information security and risk assessment, system and software engineering, and more than 40 papers about Internet, Internet of Things, Internet governance, IPv6 technology and deployment, information security and so on. I look forward to having more and further communication and cooperation with foreign colleagues who have common interests and concerns about the development and security of Internet in the future.
He is honorary of Information Security Professional’s Leadership Award of Asia Pacific Region received at Secure Asia Conference @ Beijing (ISLA 2014).
Mr. Saikat Datta
Saikat Datta is the Editor (National Security) at Hindustan Times. He has written extensively on surveillance and broke the first story on Off The Air surveillance capabilities in May 2010. He has won the International Press Institute Award for Investigative Journalism, Jagan Phadnis Memorial Award for Investigative Journalism and the National RTI Award (Journalism). He is also the author of a book on India’s Special Forces.
Mr. Pavan Duggal
While a practicing Advocate, Supreme Court of India, Pavan Duggal has made an immense impact with an international reputation as an expert and authority on Cyberlaw and E-Commerce law.
An internationally renowned expert and authority on Cyberlaw, Pavan has also the credit of having done pioneering work in the field of Convergence Law and Mobile Law. He heads of his Law Firm, Pavan Duggal Associates, which works actively in the fields of Cyberlaw, Intellectual Property Rights and Information Technology, Information Security law, Business Process Outsourcing and ITES Law, Commercial Practice and other allied spheres.
As such, his empanelment as a consultant to UNCTAD and UNESCAP on Cyberlaw and Cyber crime respectively, membership of the AFACT Legal Working Group of the UN / CEFAT, consulting as an expert with the Council of Europe on Cyber crime, inclusion in the Board of Experts of European Commission’s Dr. E-Commerce and his work as an expert authority on a Cyberlaw primer for e-ASEAN Task Force and as a reviewer for Asian Development Bank speaks volumes of his worldwide acceptance as an authority. Pavan is the President of Cyberlaw Asia, Asia’s pioneering organization committed to the passing of dynamic Cyber laws in the Asian continent. Pavan is also a member of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center Panel of Neutrals.
Pavan has been the Member of the Public Interest Registry’s. Org Advisory Council. He is a member of ICT Policy and Governance Working Group of the UNICT Taskforce. He is the Legal and Policy Consultant to Internet Mark 2 Project, which is examining the next level of Internet. He has been invited to be an associated fellow of the Centre for Asia Pacific Technology Law and Policy (CAPTEL) at Singapore. Pavan is a member of Panel of Arbitrators of the Regional Centre for Arbitration, Kuala Lumpur and Asian Domain Names Dispute Resolution Centre at Hong Kong.
He has been associated with the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Government of India on Cyberlaw and Electronic Governance legal issues. He is a member of Advisory Committee on E-Governance in Karnataka constituted by the Government of Karnataka. Pavan is a member of Information Forensic Working Group on e-Information Systems, Security and Audit Association.
Pavan heads his niche law firm Pavan Duggal Associates, which has practice areas, amongst others, in Cyberlaw, Business Process Outsourcing Law, Intellectual Property Rights and Information Technology Law, Information Security Law, Defence, Biotech and Corporate Law.
While he has been a Member of the Nominating Committee, Membership Advisory Committee and Membership Implementation Task Force of ICANN, Pavan is also the President of Cyberlaws.Net, which is Internet’s first ever-unique Cyberlaw consultancy.
In addition to that, he is also the founder of the Cyberlaw Association and is also the Founder-President, Cyberlaw India.
Some outstanding pioneering work in the field of BPO legal issues has resulted in his being a member of the BPO Steering Committee of ASSOCHAM. Today, he advises a number of BPO concerns on different legal issues relating to outsourcing. Pavan has been the Chairman of the Cyberlaw Committee of ASSOCHAM and works in closely with CII and FICCI.
Pavan is a regular on the lecture circuit. He has spoken at over 1200 conferences, seminars and workshops in the last seven years, and has lectured extensively in select law colleges. As a writer, he has made his mark with forty books on various aspects of the law in the last six years. He has contributed a continuing weekly column on diverse aspects of the law, titled ‘Brief Cases’ to the Economic Times, for the last seven years.
Mr. Hardeep Singh Puri
Ambassador Hardeep Singh Puri joined the Indian Foreign Service in 1974. During a distinguished career spanning 39 years, he served in senior positions at the Ministries of External Affairs and Defence. He held Ambassadorial level assignments in London and Brasilia and served as Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations in Geneva and New York. He had earlier served in India’s Missions in Tokyo, and Colombo as well.
Ambassador Puri has extensive experience in multilateral diplomacy, having served on three occasions as a member of India’s Delegation to the GATT/United Nations in Geneva where he was Ambassador and Permanent Representative from 2002 to 2005.
Ambassador Puri has also had a long association with and specialized in trade-related matters and has served on several Dispute Settlement Panels of the GATT and WTO.
Ambassador Puri has served at the headquarters of the Ministry of External Affairs in New Delhi, as an Under Secretary in the early 1980s, as Director and Chef de Cabinet to the Foreign Secretary in the early 1990s, as Joint Secretary of the Americas and Europe West Divisions and on deputation to the Ministry of Defence in the 1990s. He also served as Permanent Secretary dealing with economic relations in the Ministry of External Affairs from June 2008 to April 2009, before assuming his post in New York on 4 May, 2009.
He was also the Chairman of the United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee. In August 2011 and November 2012, he was the President of the United Nations Security Council.
Ambassador Puri retired from the IFS on 28 February, 2013 and joined the International Peace Institute, New York, from June to December 2013 as Senior Adviser.
He joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on 2 January, 2014.